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Eli diet day 4 and 5

Day 4

What I ate:

Breakfast - overnight oats as per ytd with banana.

Lunch - sweet potato. Quinoa. Apple.

Dinner - Wrap and roll vegetarian vietnamese rice roll. Stole some vermicelli from my friend, which had a little crushed peanut and chilli (ugh, control!!). Original flower bowl from project acai, which also had a little cacao nibs.

How my skin felt:

The folds of my arms were weeping as I scratched the night before, so it felt pretty uncomfy through out the day. Wearing long sleeves helped.

What I applied:

As per usual.

Day 5

What I ate:

Breakfast - sweet potato. Rolled oats with my flax, chia, sunflower seeds and desiccated coconut concoction.

Lunch - stuff'd smoked salmon daily bowl. Had a sip of hot chocolate.

Dinner - Yongtaufu, mainly veges. Homemade barley.

How my skin felt:

My face was pretty inflamed and flaky. The weeping at my arms had dried. Had new scratches on my hands as it got itchy the night before. Could it be the food I had at wrap and roll? It was pretty tasty. Possibly so. I have difficulty differentiating a healing crisis and an inflammatory reaction.

What I applied:

As per usual, except I may have used too concentrated tea tree oil. Face was burning a little. Need to be more cautious next time with the ratio.

How I felt:

In spite of my skin, it was such a fruitful and heartwarming day as I, together with my amazing friend, held our very first beginners calligraphy class as a way to reach out to new friends. I'm so thankful to God and honoured to be given the opportunity to use my skill (albeit requires a lot more honing) to invite friends (including mine!) into church. Thank God for blessing me with amazing friends/partners to work with. It was really a joy.

I'll just leave with a verse that I'll mediate on from 1 Samuel 16:7 and it says:

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

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