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Eli diet day 2

What I ate:

Breakfast - overnight oats with flax, chia, and sunflower seeds. Muesli containing dried fruits. Banana. Prunes.

Lunch - The Salad Fork; Baby spinach, mushrooms, carrots, hummus, sweet potatoes and fried tofu (I could not control), and balsamic vinaigrette.

Snack - ABC juice

Dinner - Toss & Turn; Romain lettuce, ginger rice, smoked salmon, omelette (containing bits of diced onion, ham and tomatoes - again, self-control issues), beetroot, kidney beans, edamame, broccoli, and plum sesame dressing.

How my skin felt:

Stye on my eye is growing (even bigger this morning) and eyelids are increasingly heavy because of it. Skin is still incredibly dry and slightly itchy. My skin felt quite hot last night, I believe a sign of inflammation. One new boil at my butt cheek, burst one on my arm (and it still hurts this morning).

What I applied:

As per usual on eli diet day 1.

How I felt:

In spite of my skin, I had a fruitful and enjoyable day with church friends as we planned for the upcoming calligraphy class. Entered a fancy faber-castell store at ion dedicated to selling only pens and pencils. That was pretty cool.

Praise the Lord. May Day 3 be a better day.

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